Price List


Our professional Will drafting service reflects a high quality personal service coupled with honest, reliable and clear advice tailored to your needs and all at affordable prices! Day time and evening appointments available.

Single Will (Will for one person) £175

Mirror Will (Will for 2 people ie partners/married couples) £250

For further protection the following can also be added to your Will(s) at the additional fee shown. (The price shown for each type of trust applies to Mirror Wills. Single Wills shall incur a 20% reduction on the price shown. Lasting Power of Attorney prices are per person):

Protective Property Trust - This trust guarantees that your children inherit even if your surviving spouse/partner changes their Will, remarries or re-cohabits following your death. This trust also provides substantial savings in relation to care home fees. The price includes severance of tenancy advice. £350

1 x Lasting Power of Attorney – Property and Financial Affairs (LPA). This is a separate document to the Will. This is an important document that protects your estate, your finances and property should you have a stroke or an accident or for any reason become mentally incapable at some point. Without this there would be a lengthy and costly legal process. Bear in mind if this document is needed you will be ill at this point and your loved ones would be facing the emotional turmoil that this would cause and be wanting to care for you. The last thing they would want adding to their distress at this point would be legal fees and a lengthy legal process. This document protects from that happening. There are a number of circumstances that warrant considering having one of these documents but it is particularly recommended that you have this document in place if you are over the age of 50 and/or own property. >> £300**

1 x Lasting Power of Attorney – Health and Welfare (LPA). This is a separate document to the Will. This is an important document that protects your health and your welfare should you have a stroke or an accident or become mentally incapable at some point. The person appointed by you to make decisions regarding this can choose what medical treatment you receive and what day to day care you receive to ensure that you continue to get the best care possible even if you’re mentally incapable and cannot make those decisions for yourself. If you were mentally ill you could decline much needed medical care or daily care like bathing and washing. >> £300**


Inheritance Tax Trust - This trust is suitable for couples who are not married and whose estate is over the Inheritance tax threshold – currently £325000. The price includes all land registry work and Expression of Wishes document(s) £400

Discretionary Trust - These trusts are suitable if you wish someone to benefit from an inheritance however they may not be able or suitable to handle the money for themselves and it would be best for the money to be handled and cared for by trustees for the benefit of the beneficiary. Example 1 – Disabled person – if a person is on means tested benefits and not able to care for themselves then they would not lose those benefits on your death if their inheritance is placed in a Disabled person’s discretionary trust. The trustees would utilise the money as they see fit e.g. for holidays, clothes etc. for the benefit of the disabled person – Example 2 - Substance dependent child- The trustees could ensure the money is only used for purposes they feel you would be happy with. Example 3 – Protecting your wealth from the future divorce, debt or care fees of your children. There are many other situations where this type of trust may be appropriate. Expression of Wishes is included with this trust for you to offer guidance to the Trustees as to how you would like the money in the Trust fund using. £375

Right to Occupy Trust - This trust allows someone - a child or an aged parent for example to live in your property for a set period of time following your death. This may be beneficial if for example a child lives with you and you don’t want them to suddenly be homeless upon your death. This trust would allow them to remain living in your property for a set period of time perhaps 2 years following your death to allow them time to decide what they are going to do. After the 2 years the property would then be sold and at that time the named beneficiaries would receive their share of the equity in the property. £300

Flexible Life Interest Trust - Combines a protective Property Trust and a Discretionary Trust . This trust can help to protect your assets from the needed care, the possible divorce and the possible debt of your beneficiaries, plus more. £400

Business Property Relief Trust - This trust allows you to protect your share of the assets in your business from being subject to inheritance tax charges. It can also have many other positive benefits for your share in the business. We can discuss these benefits on a case by case basis if they apply. £350

All prices are correct as of 01/06/2023

Memorandum of Wishes – These are documents whereby you can express your wishes to your executors and/or trustees. This may relate to personal belongings, general wishes or intentions that you wish to make clear or may relate to a Discretionary Trust you have included in your Will. This document is not legally binding but can accompany a Will to express your Wishes relating to various matters. £25 each

>> Included in our fees above for Lasting Power of Attorney is the completion of the registration forms and handling of the registration process. We will also act as your correspondent and your Certificate provider. The fee does not include the Office of the Public Guardian fee for them to register the documents which is

currently £82 per document. (In some circumstances there may be no fee or a reduced fee to pay. We will look into this for you and again complete the forms to apply for a reduction within the fee we have quoted above, should this be appropriate.)

Storage – Our secure storage service helps to protect your Wills and other documents once they have been produced. The signed original version of your document(s) is kept in our secure storage facility to protect them from fire, theft and damage which could otherwise destroy them or invalidate them. As part of this service, you will receive a bound copy of your Will(s) to keep at home for reference purposes. There is the option to just have your documents securely stored through us but there is also the option to benefit from our Secure storage and aftercare policy which then offers the secure storage of your documents PLUS the ability to update them at 50% of the price normally charged, as and when needed. (For standard Amendment Charges -see below^)

Single Storage £20 p.a. Single Storage and aftercare policy £35 p.a.

Mirror Storage £30 p.a. Mirror Storage and aftercare policy £50 p.a.

Amendment charges: ^If you do not have the secure storage and aftercare policy referred to above, then all amendments to the Will are charged at the price of a new Will. However, with this policy minor amendments are charged at a rate of £50 per Will and more involved amendments to a Will or any alteration to a Lasting Power of Attorney will be charged at 50% of the price of a new document.



PLEASE NOTE: All prices are fully inclusive with no additional VAT to add to the above prices. There are no hidden costs!!

Payment is required on completion of the documents to your satisfaction.

We accept payment via cheque made payable to ‘Candid Estate Planning Ltd.’ and posted to 50 Malham Drive, Lincoln, LN6 0XD.

We accept all Mastercards and Visa cards including personal, business and international cards. We do not accept American Express and we do not accept American diner cards.

Payments can be made via online banking using these details: Company – Candid Estate Planning Ltd - sort code - 20-50-21 - account no. 33944018. Please ensure your reference is your surname followed by your postcode so we know it’s you who’s paid!

Our price list can be downloaded HERE.